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Hanung Budya-Pertamina: World Crude Price Remains Relatively High Around US$ 90 Despite Decrease Price


Commerce and Marketing Director of Pertamina Hanung Budya, said that the average price of crude oil in 2014 remains relatively high at around US$90 per barrel. "Crude oil average [price] cannot be referred to a particular time such as now," said Hanung.

Hanung said that the Mean of Platts Singapore (MoPS), Asian fuel products reference, states the price at US$90 per barrel. The lowest price was recorded by the West Texas Intermediate (WTI), which drops as low as US$75.11 to US$76.18 per barrel.

"We need to see the price on January [2015], not only today," he said.

However, Hanung refused to answer if the Indonesian fuel price was decided in reference to the current world crude price. According to the 2014 Revised State Budget, Indonesian fuel price was decided based on the previous price of crude at US$105 per barrel.

The analysis implied that fuel price increase is not yet necessary given the fact that current global crude oil price is less than previously expected.