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(Jakarta Globe) Agung Laksono Warns Prabowo & KMP to stay out from Golkar split

The Golkar Party faction led by Agung Laksono warned the Red-White Coalition (KMP) on Thursday that it was to stay out of the party’s spectacular split and allow resolution to be found through its own internal procedures.
A Golkar politician from Agung’s camp, Agun Gunanjar Sudarsa, emphasized that the dispute was an internal matter.
“I just want to remind the KMP this is the Golkar Party’s internal problem, which can only be solved through the party’s internal mechanism, do not drag other political parties into this,” Agun said on Thursday.
Agun’s statement was made after the KMP held a press conference on Wednesday to declare support for the rival camp led by the incumbent chairman, Aburizal Bakrie.
“I believe other political parties would not accept it if others were interfering in their internal problem,” Agun added.
The KMP is the coalition of parties that backed former general Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Hatta Rajasa in last year’s presidential election.