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(Jakarta Globe) Fadli Zon-Gerindra: No New Election on House Chairmanship


New elections for leadership positions in the House of Representatives’ (DPR) supporting bodies will not be held, Deputy Speaker Faldi Zon says, despite demands from the coalition led by President Joko Widodo, known as the KIH.

The five-party minority KIH, which control 246 of the 560 seats in the House, filed a motion of no confidence against the House leaders last week and went as far as naming rival speakers of its own.

The move was prompted by its exclusion from top roles in the legislature, including House speaker positions and the chairmanship roles in the DPR’s 11 commissions.

The coalition, which has been unable to stop losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto’s Red-White Coalition (KMP) from taking control of the House, has repeatedly called for new elections.

However, Faldi has rejected the calls and said there will be no changes to what has been decided.

“Even if there’s going to be a change, it will be in different forms like adding the number of commissions,” he said on Thursday.

“We’ll talk if there’s a possibility of adding new commissions.”

KIH lawmaker Arief Wibowo, a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P),  said new elections were non-negotiable if there were to be reconciliation in the divided House.

“The 11 commissions and four supporting bodies can’t work properly if five factions in the KIH are not involved,” he said. “All ten factions have to take part in the leadership proportionally.”